Arborist San Diego works with pesticides, power tools, and trees, so safety is always a top priority. They also have to be mindful of weather conditions, regions and tree growth factors like disease and insects.
They trim renegade branches that may threaten power lines or sidewalks and prune decorative species to enhance the landscape. They also perform risk assessments and consult with property owners about new plantings.

Whether you have a tree on your property that has grown to the point of becoming a danger or you want to remove a tree to make room for landscaping or construction projects, a professional arborist is your best option. An arborist has the specialized knowledge and tools to perform the proper removal of trees, shrubs, and other woody plants. They have a deep understanding of how these plants grow and the ways they interact with their surroundings. This allows them to keep them healthy, safe, and beautiful on residential and commercial properties.
Tree cutting services are often performed on a regular basis to keep your property’s trees looking their best. This can include pruning to reduce the size of a tree, removing dead branches, and thinning dense canopies. This helps improve airflow, promotes sunlight penetration, and can reduce the risk of storm damage and pest infestation.
There are also times when a tree needs to be removed altogether. This may be due to health issues, safety hazards, or a negative impact on the surrounding landscape. A qualified arborist will thoroughly inspect a tree and determine if it can be saved by pruning or other means before making the decision to remove the tree.
In addition to performing tree cutting services, an arborist can also help with other types of tree care. They can offer advice on nutrient uptake, water retention, and soil conditions. They can also recommend the right fertilizer for a specific type of tree or planting site. An arborist can even assist with installing a temporary cable system if a tree has become too unstable to support its own weight.
It is important to note that while both arborists and tree service companies can provide a variety of services, they do not have the same responsibilities. Arborists are more like tree doctors, whereas tree service companies focus on the physical aspects of care. Tree services can offer tree trimming, emergency tree care, and large-scale pruning operations. They can also perform a variety of tree-related tasks, such as removing stumps and debris from the site of a fallen tree or trimming and pruning small trees.
Tree Pruning
Arborists use strategic pruning to keep trees healthy, promoting tree longevity and beauty, as well as enhancing the property value of your landscape. Proper pruning removes dead or diseased limbs, reduces the risk of structural damage caused by wind and snow, and controls pest infestations. It also promotes flower and fruit production, ensuring adequate sunlight exposure to the branches and flowers.
Dead or damaged limbs that fall during severe weather can create serious hazards to people and property. Proactively removing hazardous limbs helps prevent injury to those walking or driving by, as well as property damage.
Pruning services include the removal of crossing or rubbing limbs, as well as thinning and heading cuts. The latter involves reducing the overall size of the plant to promote air circulation, water movement, and light penetration. The goal is to avoid making the plant look pruned; instead, thinning cuts should appear minimal and natural.
The best cuts are made at a 45-degree angle just outside the branch collar, where the base of the stem meets the bark. These cuts should be clean and not ragged, to minimize the risk of decay. New wounds should be wrapped with a polyethylene sheeting, preferably within minutes of pruning, to reduce dieback and help the plant heal quickly. This sheeting can be removed in two to three weeks. Wounds should not be scribed, as this practice makes the cut larger and slows healing.
When pruning, always be aware of where power lines and other utility lines are located. Branches that hang over or near these lines must be removed by qualified professionals with proper training and safety equipment. Topping a tree, removing an excessive amount of live wood, and using climbing spikes on living plants are unacceptable work practices that violate industry standards.
Home gardeners can learn about proper pruning techniques by reading books, viewing instructional videos, or attending workshops. They can then apply their new skills on smaller, less valuable trees and shrubs until they feel confident in their abilities to prune larger, more valuable plants. It is important to remember that all trees and plants grow at different rates, and that some require special care, such as cabling and bracing, or even removal.
Tree Planting
Tree planting can be a very rewarding experience and is a great way to make a positive social impact. Planting trees can help reduce cooling costs, provide habitat for wildlife, and add beauty to your property. It is important to properly plant a tree so that it has the best chance of survival. An arborist has the expertise to ensure that your new trees are planted in a way that will benefit both the environment and the owner.
The first step is to determine what the purpose of the planting is. This could be as simple as wanting to shade a particular area or something more complex such as a windbreak or reducing erosion on a slope. The next step is to figure out what species will best serve that purpose. Then the location can be chosen. Finally the type of soil and amount of sunlight are considered.
A hole is then dug that is 2-3 times wider than the root ball and no deeper. If the roots are wrapped, they should be unwrapped and inspected for circling roots and exposed trunk flare. This is a common cause of new tree failure. The root flare should never be buried under the soil. The soil should be tamped and gently compacted; adding water as it is being backfilled is critical to prevent over-compaction and drying of the roots.
Mulching should be avoided as this can suffocate the roots and cause them to die. If mulching is necessary, it should be a layer of 2-4” thick in a donut shape around the base of the tree and pulled away from the trunk 1-2”.
The best time to plant is late winter or early spring prior to buds blooming or fall when the ground is still warm but not too hot. Planting during the summer puts the newly planted trees through a stressful shock and can lead to reduced growth or even death. A qualified arborist can evaluate your current landscape to determine if any new plantings are needed and recommend the correct time of year for planting.
Tree Risk Assessment
Arborists with a Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) are highly trained professionals who can help you evaluate and mitigate risks associated with trees on your property. Often, these experts can save you money and headaches by providing treatment options that reduce or manage the risks of a tree rather than removing it entirely. They can also help you safeguard your home and property from fire damage or storm damage caused by the trees.
A TRAQ evaluation is a thorough examination of the health and safety of a tree. During the inspection, an arborist looks at all parts of the tree and its surroundings. This includes checking for signs of rot, decay, insect infestation, and general structural integrity. In addition, they can assess the soil condition, root system, and overall health of a tree.
The results of a TRAQ are then documented in a report and used to recommend any appropriate management strategies for the tree. This may include pruning, fertilization, fungicide treatments, or other interventions. The information gathered from the TRAQ helps homeowners, businesses, and local governments make informed decisions about tree care and management.
When assessing a tree, an arborist will search for signs of rot or decay, including brittle bark, softwood, and hollows within the bark or wood. They will also look at the tree’s roots, trunk, and branches. In some cases, an arborist will use specialized equipment, such as resistographs, to detect internal decay. They can also use aerial drones to examine hard-to-reach portions of a tree’s canopy.
The most common reason for a tree risk assessment is that the tree poses a serious threat to people or property if it falls. This could be due to its proximity to a power line or other structure, extensive damage from weather conditions, or age. Regardless of the cause, an arborist with a TRAQ can recommend the best course of action to take. This might involve trimming, cabling, or bracing the tree. Alternatively, it might be recommended that the tree be removed. Neighbor disputes often arise over the condition of a tree. Formal assessments allow for objective decision-making, fostering better relationships and community harmony.